Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Book Review: Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen

Title: Saint Anything
Author: Sarah Dessen

Saints come in almost every aspect of life, well except for anything. Though the book is nowhere near religious, trust me.

I'm not new with Sarah Dessen's work and as much as I hate to say this but, I wasn't really engrossed to the story until I have reached the 200th page. And when I have finally reached that mark, everything unfolded all at once although I am sad to say that the only emotion I felt was relief. Relief from the pent up frustrations I have been harboring towards the main character. 

It's a good story for chilling on a Friday night. Relaxed, not hard to take in, no major events that may pose an unrealistic vibe to this realistically crafted piece. It's both educational to both parents and kids alike wrapped in a very wholesome manner.

Rating: ★★★☆

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Book Review: Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch

Title: Love & Gelato
Author: Jenna Evans Welch

Have you ever read a book and felt as if you're in a fantasy background with glitters floating around you? Reading 'Love & Gelato' felt like one of those moments for me — magical.

The way the author described the Italian landmarks and infrastructures felt as if I was really touring Florence and Rome in flesh, and upon doing so, I fell so helplessly in love with Italy. There was even a point whilst reading the book that I'll be up and ready to pack my bags and set off for Italy in a heartbeat. But I guess my love and gelato will have to wait.

I love how light the novel was; it wasn't stressful yet it made me jolt in excitement and set my heart thrumming against my chest until the next chapter.

Everything was just perfect. From the dialogues tot he plot of the story (which was very unpredictable until revealed though, kudos, this deserves a two thumbs up from me). It's also rich of Florentine art and history, which for me is a great part of my being. I love art and history — especially during the Renaissance period. I am also into journal-keeping which is a central point in the story, it inspired me to keep on doing what I love even when it's just a hobby. I'll never know when one of my journals might start an adventure for someone else like in the story wherein Lina's mom's journal did to her.

I'm definitely putting this in my favorites shelf.


Monday, May 23, 2016

Book Review: The Rose and the Dagger by Renée Ahdieh

Title: The Rose and the Dagger
Author: Renée Ahdieh

For two straight books, an author has robbed me of my motivation to sleep and I laud Renée Ahdieh for that (The Wrath and the Dawn still needs a review post though). I am the kind of reader who would not trade finishing a book for sleep, sleep always comes first. But the rule apparently doesn't apply to Renée Ahdieh's books.

I love that the setting of the story is different form the mainstream setting of the books I have recently encountered. It's richly constructed, every conversation from the characters is like reading poetry in prose form. 

To be honest, it has taken a lot of my time trying to construct sentences of criticism for this book because there are just none. So if you love Middle Eastern culture, a magical adventure and a tested love story, this book is a good read along with the first book entitled The Wrath and the Dawn.

Rating: ★★★

Friday, May 20, 2016

Book Review: Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

Title: Glass Sword
Author: Victoria Aveyard

I cannot express how much I love this book - and it's a rarity for me because that would mean I was blown out of my mind. That wasn't the case though for the first half of the book. Like one review I've read in Goodreads said, it wasn't because of the writing style nor the lack of action - everything was impeccable, well-orchestrated even. And like that review, one thing that lacked all throughout the book was the physical presence of Maven.

I admit I'm a big sucker for books with a twisted bordering psychopathic tendencies personality of the male antagonist. It's an automatic 5/5 for me. And I love a good abhorrent female protagonist - this boils my blood and gets my nerves prompting me to continue reading. 

This book is a treasure trove of these qualities. I don't even know if how long I'm going to withstand the waiting for the next book to come out, I guess I'll have to find out because I'm definitely having a book hangover.

Rating: ★★★